Take Your Child to the Library Day
Saturday, February 1
Fun for everybody this day!
Family Story Hour @ 11:00
Scavenger Hunt in the Children's Room all day
Make a Valentine for the Library
Family Movie @ 2:00
Ted Reinstein visits APL
Thursday, February 6 @ 7:00
Let's give another warm APL welcome to author and journalist Ted Reinstein. He will be visiting on Thursday February 6th at 7:00 to discuss his new book, Travels Through the Heart and Soul of New England: Stories of Struggle, Resilience, and Triumph and he will have books available for purchase at the conclusion of the author talk. Mr. Reinstein's talks are always engaging and enjoyable and we are looking forward to this visit.
We hope to see you there!
Abington Author Story Time
with Theresa McGrath
The Abington Public Library is pleased to host local Abington author Theresa McGrath on Saturday, February 8 @ 2:00 for a reading of her book Adelene's Sparkle. There will be a children's activity following the reading and a chance to purchase your own copy of the book. We look forward to seeing you for what is sure to be a very fun afternoon.
Youth Services Events
Drop In Toddler Time Mon. @ 10:30
Drop In Family Story Hour Sat. @ 11:00
Lego Club Wed. Jan. 22 @ 3:45 - 4:30
Family Lego Night Thur. Jan. 23 6:30
Registered Toddler Time registration starts January 8
Registered Preschool Story Hour registration starts January 8
Registered Preschool Play Group Winter Session 1
Little Bee Yoga Monday, February 3
APL Newsletter
Check out our monthly newsletter for information about events happening for kids, teens, and adults. (And maybe some jokes, and a jigsaw puzzle.)
Saturday Book Club
January 25th at 10:30
We are trying a new time for our new Saturday Book Club. We hope you will grab a copy of An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green and join the discussion.
APL Tests Cookbooks:
A Food and Cookbook Club
Monday, January 27 @ 7:00
There is always room for another cook in the library. This month we are enjoying soup, sandwich, or salad. The cookbooks are here for recipe choosing. How this works: make a recipe. Let Linda know what you are making so she can make a list. Bring your dish in for sampling. Socialize and enjoy the food. Critique your recipe. This is a very relaxed and enjoyable evening. Questions? Ask Linda.
Device Advice
Drop In
Thursday, January 23 from 11:30 - 12:30
Come see our Reference Librarian Robert Goodale for Device Advice!
This can include:
- Getting started using your Device
- Learning about Library-related apps, such as hoopla, Libby and Kanopy
- Learn how to navigate library databases and resources.
- If you are unable to come in, please make an appointment with abref@ocln.org for assistance.
Junior Cliffhanger
Monday, February 3rd